Research Area 4 identifies the market potential, business cases, and policy prerequisites for innovative and energy efficient transport concepts, based on electricity or hydrogen. There is a particular focus on markets that are supported by demanding national climate and transport policy goals, and applications where Norwegian industries and technology companies can assume a leading position.

MoZEES will support decision makers in different governance levels and businesses with a common framework of analysis, allowing new transportation concepts to be analyzed comprehensively under varying assumptions on technology, policies, incentives and governance measures. This comprehensive interdisciplinary approach will on one hand increase the reliability and quality of predictions on technology uptake and the need for (and dosage of) policies and incentives, and on the other hand decrease the uncertainty related to different business models. The overall result will be better planning and management of public transport infrastructures and assets and more reliable business decision support tools for the private sector.
Key questions in RA4 are how and when new technology can become competitive in the market and how public and corporate stakeholders can avoid the lock-in effects typical of current technologies and end user habits. Predicting the market for an entirely new mode of transportation is difficult, but not impossible. Analysis of international technology development road maps, policy options, incentives, and other governance measures will be required to produce national road maps for how the international and Norwegian value chains for the transport, energy and ICT sectors may undergo stepwise transformation towards 2030.
Specific case studies of new concepts and business models will be made based on the needs of user partners within four prioritized transportation subsystems: (1) Urban mobility and logistics, (2) coastal line vessels and ferries, (3) long haul freight and passenger transport, and (4) transportation terminals. RA4 will cooperate closely with RA3, and utilize the technology expertise in RA1 and 2 as well as the user partner expertise within RA4 to define relevant concepts and refine business models and values chains.
RA4 is lead by Erik Figenbaum (TØI)