Dr. Tobias Placke (MEET) – Challenges and Strategies to Develop High-Performance and More Sustainable Battery Technologies
Dr. Tobias Placke is head of the division “Materials” at the MEET Battery Research Center, which is part of the University of Münster (Münster, Germany). Research and development are focused on the synthesis, optimization, and characterization of advanced negative and positive electrode active materials as well as inactive components for the next generation of high-energy lithium-ion batteries (LIBs). Besides LIBs, also alternative sustainable battery storage technologies, such as dual-ion batteries, are developed and evaluated. Dr. Placke obtained his Ph.D. in chemistry and has more than 10 years of experience in the field of rechargeable batteries. He is author/co-author of more than 100 scientific publications and (co-)inventor of six patent applications.
Tobias Placke1,*, Aurora Gómez-Martín1, Richard Schmuch1, Martin Winter1,2
1 University of Münster, MEET Battery Research Center, Corrensstr. 46, 48149 Münster, Germany.
2 Helmholtz Institute Münster, IEK-12, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Corrensstr. 46, 48149 Münster, Germany.
The development of high-performance energy storage technologies is of outstanding social importance, since on the one hand stationary energy storage systems can contribute significantly to meet the constantly growing demand for energy using environmentally friendly, renewable energies, and on the other hand mobile energy supply enables a wide range of different applications for everyday needs. The lithium-ion battery (LIB) therefore represents a key technology for diverse fields of application due to its superior energy density compared to other battery technologies. For electrification of the transportation sector, high-energy LIBs are needed to increase the driving range of electric vehicles and improve their social acceptance.
Research and development of LIBs currently focuses mainly on economically relevant factors, including energy density, lifetime, fast-charging capability, cost, and safety. However, commercial batteries often have an unsatisfactory life cycle assessment and are typically based on materials classified as “critical”. In addition, LIB manufacturing processes consume a lot of energy and significantly worsen the battery’s carbon footprint. Therefore, the entire life cycle must be sustainably oriented to significantly improve the CO2 footprint in the future, i.e., from the selection of raw materials to production and possible “second life” applications as well as disposal and recycling.
In addition to the established lithium-ion technology, so-called “post-lithium-ion batteries” (solid-state batteries, lithium-sulfur batteries, lithium-oxygen batteries, etc.) as well as “post-lithium batteries” (sodium-ion batteries, magnesium batteries, zinc batteries, etc.) are also considered as possible future energy storage systems for various application fields and are currently being intensively researched.
This presentation will provide insights into the rapid development of battery technologies and address several highly topical issues in the field of battery research from the perspective of existing challenges and future perspectives.
Egbert Figgemeier (FZ Jülich, Helmholtz Center Münster) – High-energy Li-ion batteries comprising silicon containing anodes and insertion type cathodes
Egbert Figgemeier obtained his Ph.D. in physical chemistry from University of Paderborn. This was followed by academic research at the Universities of Dublin, Basel, and Uppsala. In 2007, he joined Bayer Technology Services to head the materials and corrosion laboratory, as well as to develop materials for battery applications. From 2012, he worked as Application Development Engineer for battery materials at 3 M Deutschland and was responsible for technical supports of customers in Germany and Europe. Since 2016, he has been a group leader at the Helmholtz Institute Münster (section Aachen) and he holds the chair for Ageing and Reliability of Batteries at RWTH Aachen University.
Bridget Deveney (Elkem) – Localizing the supply of anode materials for a sustainable robust value chain
Bridget Deveney is the Director of R&D for Vianode an Elkem Company. In this role she has led the development of a sustainably produced graphite anode material from milligram lab scale to hundreds of metric tons scale and soon to be tens of thousands of metric tons. She has twenty years of experience in the battery industry leading R&D projects.
The Lithium ion battery industry is in the middle of an unprecedented global expansion with manufacturing in Europe and North America rapidly increasing. Simultaneously the manufacturing of battery materials, particularly active anode materials, is highly concentrated in Asia. This leaves the non-Asian battery industry vulnerable to supply chain interruption due to unforeseeable global events. This presentation discusses how Vianode is producing high volume competitive anode materials with state of the art performance outside Asia. The Vianode production in Norway offers a substantial improvement in efficiency and sustainability. The talk will also discuss the next step in anode material sustainability, graphite recycling, where Vianode is moving to pilot scale work.
Daniel Green (Siemens Energy) – We Energize the Marine Industry – How to Stay Ahead?

Daniel Green is Head of Offshore Marine Centre in Trondheim, Siemens Energy AS. 13 years in Norway working at Aker Solutions and Siemens Energy. Master’s degree, Industrial Management and Engineering, Chalmers
Siemens Energy has for more than 25 years delivered reliable and efficient solutions to electrify the marine industry. In January 2019, we opened our automated battery module production in Trondheim taking the next step for sustainable marine mobility. How have Siemens Energy and Norway been able to take the lead in the green transformation and what will be required to stay ahead?
Fride Vullum-Bruer (SINTEF Energi) – Environmental gain of electrification in maritime sector
Fride Vullum-Bruer (PhD) is a senior research scientist at SINTEF Energy and is the co-leader for SITNEFs corporate efforts on battery research. Prior to her engagement at SINTEF, she spent 13 years at NTNU where she was Associate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering and leader of the battery research group there. She has approximately 15 years of experience in battery research, including materials development, battery testing and analysis as well as batteries integrated in larger energy systems.
Shipping and fisheries are important industries in Norway. These sectors also contribute significantly to the total CO2 emission in Norway. In 2017 emissions from domestic shipping and fishing vessels were estimated to 2.95 million tons CO2-equivalants, which was almost 6 % of the total Norwegian greenhouse gas emissions. Electrification of the fishing fleet an maritime industries is therefore an important focus area for Norway. Still, there have been concerns related to the increased carbon footprint of the vessels during the production process. It is well known that production of electric vehicles is associated with a greater carbon footprint than a car with internal combustion engine (ICE). Depending on the size of the car and the electricity mix used for charging, the car must run a significant number of kilometers before its total emissions are equivalent to an ICE car. In this presentation the situation for ferries and ships will be addressed as well as looking at how batteries produced in Norway can contribute to reducing the emissions in the battery production process.
Jon Fold von Bülow (Head of R&D, Morrow Batteries) “Commercializing sustainable battery technologies”
I have a persistent entreprenurial attitude and a vigorous interest in energy technologies for the future. I started working with fusion energy in the early 2000s and have worked hands-on with Li- and Na-ion battery materials research and development since 2010.
For the past decade, I have been responsible for developing and upscaling superior lithium-ion and sodium-ion battery materials at Haldor Topsoe to meet present-day market demands within electric transportation and energy storage. My main focus has been on the high voltage nickel manganese spinel system (LNMO) along with nickel-rich layered Li- and Na-ion oxides (NCA, NMC, NAB, NFM). Within upscaling my experience currently covers more than 6 orders of magnitude – from g to ton.
In 2019, I moved to Suzhou just outside Shanghai to help start up a joint venture R&D company and oversee the successful tech transfer of making Ni-rich layered oxides (I returned in 2020 due to Covid-19). In 2013, I was a major part of setting up a fully functional materials and testing facility at Uni-Ulm, Germany in the vicinity of Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Württemberg (ZSW).
I have initiated and managed collaborations in Denmark, Germany and China as well as direct technology development with Faradion Ltd. in the UK. I am also the co-founder of the Danish Battery Society, which aims to promote increased cooperation and coordination of Danish activities within batteries.
Morrow is in the process of establishing a state-of-the-art battery production facility at Eyde Energy Park, Agder Municipality, Norway. The Morrow Industrialization Centre (MIC) will include a Battery Research Centre (“BRC”), a Battery Development Centre (“BDC”), an Active Material Pilot (“AMP”) and a Pilot Cell Factory (“PCF”). Morrow will ensure technological leadership through a comprehensive development model, conduct research and development of core product in each technology generation and drive future material platform innovations. The Battery Research Centre (“BRC”) will be Morrow’s centre of excellence and responsible for the development of new technology. The Battery Development Centre (“BDC”) will be Morrow’s facility for customer prototyping, a key piece of the puzzle for turning core battery technology into physical battery cells. The Active Material Pilot (“AMP”) will produce crucial active materials for the Pilot Cell Factory and be the First-of-its-kind facility in Norway. The Pilot Cell Factory (“PCF”) will be located at the Eyde Energy Park and be used to manufacture battery cells on a smaller scale prior to scaling towards Morrow Gigafactory
Linda Ager-Wick Ellingsen (TØI) – Life Cycle Analysis of Li-ion Batteries
Linda Ager-Wick Ellingsen (PhD) is a senior researcher at the Institute of Transport Economics. Through research, teaching, and consulting she has worked with LCA of batteries and their use in transport applications for more than 10 years. Linda enjoys collaborating with experts inside and outside her area of expertise and has participated in a number of interdisciplinary projects with experts in the battery field, such as Stan Whittingham.
The LCA literature comprises several studies considering the environmental impacts of Li-ion traction batteries. However, very few of these studies provide original data, even fewer yet have obtained primary industry data for their analysis. Looking at the reported cradle-to-gate greenhouse gas emissions from various peer-reviewed studies providing original data, one finds that there is a large range of reported emissions. In this presentation, we consider the inventory data and uncover the main differences among the studies to explain the difference in results. Furthermore, to provide an updated understanding of the environmental impacts of Li-ion battery production, we consider a cradle-to-gate contribution analysis covering multiple impact categories and supply chain analyses covering key battery materials as well as battery packs. Finally, we look at the environmental significance of batteries on both a vehicle level and a global level.