The third Annual Meeting for MoZEES was successfully run as an open, online event on 21-23 September. The meeting attracted close to 150 participants from research and industry, and covered the latest developments and accomplishments within MoZEES’ activities on battery- and hydrogen technologies and zero emission transport applications.

The Meeting was organized as a fully digital event with live talks supported by an active discussion forum. This format, combining the Microsoft Live Event and Teams platforms, provided the possibility to ask questions and engage in discussions with the presenters during and after the live presentations. 

Lew Fulton (UC Davis) opened the session “Policy and Techno-Economic Analysis” with a keynote lecture

The first two meeting days were dedicated to presentations of the latest research results and advancements within the respective MoZEES Research Areas. We were delighted that the members of the Scientific Advisory Board agreed to open each of the sessions with keynote lecture. New to this year’s program was the incorporation of poster sessions were the presenters where challenged to prepare a 2 minutes poster pitch (“elevator pitch”). This addition to the meeting format was well received, and several of the posters were – just like many of the regular presentations – discussed in depth in the Teams channels 

Abstracts and bios of the Keynote speakers can be downloaded here.

The third meeting day marked the kick-off of the MoZEES Innovation Forum, where MoZEES user partners such as Elkem, SAFT, Morrow Batteries, Statkraft and Nel Hydrogen presented their ongoing and planned innovation activities. These sessions were extremely well received and provided a unique glimpse into the many exciting initiatives in Norway and abroad. They also confirmed that the ongoing activities and scope of work of MoZEES is very much in line with the needs and interests of the industry.  

The full program can be downloaded here.