To help you navigate the event, we have organized the program into three sections: a high-level overview of the entire conference in our “Program at a Glance,” followed by agendas for Day 1 and Day 2. Whether you’re planning your days around specific sessions or just getting a feel for what’s in store, these resources will ensure you make the most of your experience.

Program at a glance

Day 1 – Research Activities & Results

Arrival & Registration 08:30 – 09:00
Introduction – National & International Perspectives
09:00 Welcome
Nils Morten Huseby, IFE President
09:10 MoZEES Overview
Øystein Ulleberg, MoZEES Director
09:30 Green Transitions in the Transport Sector
Jon-Ivar Nygård, Minister of Transport
09:45 The Future of Zero-Emission Trucking in Europe (keynote)
Patrick Plötz, Fraunhofer ISI, Germany
10:30 Brief Dialog on Zero Emission Road Transport
Coffee Break 10:45 – 11:15
11:15 Advanced Li-ion and beyond at Saft (keynote)
Cécile Tessier, SAFT, France
12:00 Electrification of Ships and Vessels using Battery and Hydrogen Technology (keynote)
Dominic Hudson, University of Southampton, UK
Lunch 12:45 – 14:00
Session 1 – Materials & Components
Battery & Hydrogen Technology
Session 2 – Systems Integration
Technical Systems & System Analysis
14:00 MoZEES Material Research Areas
Ann Mari Svenson / Tor Olav Sunde, RA1/RA2 leaders
MoZEES Systems Research Areas
Thomas Holm / Erik Figenbaum, RA3/RA4 leaders
14:20 Anode Materials for Future Li-Ion Batteries: From Graphite to Capacity-Enhancing Additives (keynote)
Petr Novák, Technical Univ. Braunschweig
Dynamic Operation of Alkaline Water-Electrolyzers: Issues with Shunt Currents
Egil Rasten, Nel Hydrogen
14:40 Cost-effective Electrodes for Alkaline Water Electrolysis
Hamid Zamanizadaeh, NTNU (now Hystar)
PEM Water Electrolysis (title TBC)
Magnus Thomassen, Hystar
15:00 High Energy Cathodes for Li-ion Batteries
Nils Wagner, SINTEF and NTNU
MoZEES Zero Emission Truck Case Study (title TBC)
Linda Ager-Wick Ellingsen and Erik Figenbaum, TØI
15:20 Understanding the Performance and Lifetime of PEM Fuel Cells: An Electrochemical Approach
Patrick Fortin, SINTEF
MoZEES Maritime and Railway Case Studies
Øystein Ulleberg, IFE
Coffee Break 15:40 – 16:00
16:00 Ionic Liquid Electrolytes for Silicon Anodes in Li-Ion Batteries
Daniel Tveik Rogstad, NTNU (now Freyr)
Hydrogen Safety (title TBC)
16:20 Bipolar Plates for PEM Cells: A Holistic Approach
Katie McCay, SINTEF
Modelling & Simulation of PEM Fuel Cell System for Heavy-duty Application
Yash Raka, SINTEF
16:40 Understanding Battery Chemistry Using Operando X-ray based Techniques
Aleksey Koposov, UiO
Modelling & Simulation of PEM Water Electrolysis Systems (title TBC)
Ragnhild Hancke, IFE
17:00 End of Session 1 End of Session 2
Recreational Time: Holmenkollen Ski Museum, Holmenkollen Restaurant, Hotel Spa, or Hotel Bar
Conference Dinner from 19:00 – 22:00

Day 2 – Innovation Activities & Results

Arrival & Registration 08:30 – 09:00
Session 3 – From Materials to Market: Prototyping, Fabrication, and Manufacturing Session 4 – Zero Emission Transport Systems: Heavy-Duty Applications (Road, Rail, and Sea)
09:00 Introduction to MoZEES Battery Innovation Activities
Kenneth Friestad, MoZEES Innovation Committee
Introduction to MoZEES Hydrogen Innovation Activities
Geir Brekke, MoZEES Innovation Committee
09:15 Driving Carbon Neutrality: R&D insights of Nissan (keynote)
Eishi Endo, Nissan, Japan
Zero Emission Trucks (title TBC)
International OEM (TBC)
09:45 Production of Si-materials for Batteries (title TBD)
MoZEES Industry Partner (TBC)
Operation of Battery Electric Buses in Cold and Winter Conditions
Lena Wendelborg, Unibuss
Coffee Break 10:00 – 10:30
10:30 Solving the Battery Anode Problem
Andreas Forfang, Vianode
Partial Electrification of Passenger Trains (title TBC)
Name TBD, CAF Power & Automation, Spain
10:50 Battery Cell Production (title TBD)
Halvor Høen Hval, Morrow Batteries
Low and Zero Emission Maritime Vessels (title TBD)
MoZEES or other Industry Partner
11:10 Battery Recycling (title TBD)
Name TBD, Hydro (TBC)
Battery Safety – From Maritime to Rail
Henrik Helgesen, DNV
11:30 End of Session 3 End of Session 4
Lunch 11:30 – 13:00
Conclusions, Recommendations & Future Work
13:00 Hydrogen Technologies and Systems: Short Introductory Presentations followed by Panel Discussion
Panel and Chair TBD
13:45 Battery Technologies and Systems : Short presentation + Panel Discussion
Panel and Chair TBD
Coffee Break 14:30 – 15:00
15:00 FME Battery – Next-Generation and Improved Circular Sustainable Battery Technology Value Chain
Hanne Andersen, IFE
15:15 FME HYDROGENi – Norwegian Research and Innovation Centre for Hydrogen and Ammonia
Nils Røkke, SINTEF (TBD)
15:30 FME MarTrans – Norwegian R&D Centre for Maritime Energy Transitions
Trond Johnsen, SINTEF (TBD)
15:45 Final Remarks
Åse Slagtern, Research Council of Norway
End of Conference at 16:00

Technical Tours

There will be an opportunity to join technical tours on Day 4 of the conference. More details will be provided soon.