20 March 2017 MoZEES kicked off with a two-day seminar at the Institute for Energy Technology. More than 100 participants witnessed inspiring presentations by partners from both public government agencies and industry; each of them sharing their perspectives on zero-emission transport as well as their stakes in and ambitions for MoZEES.

Minister of Transport Ketil Solvik-Olsen conducted the official opening and in his speech he highlighted the strength of MoZEES in having such a wide range of partners. Central actors from both research, academia, industry and public government agencies.
– This isn’t something individual players can solve by themselves. In order to succeed with emission cuts in the transport sector we have to work together, both on the national and international level, Solvik-Olsen emphasized in his opening speech.
View the Program and the Presentations by the invited speakers.
A game changer?
Director of IFE Nils Morten Huseby highlighted how Norway is in a unique position to be a driving force in the Green Shift and at the same time get a fair share of the emerging global markets and value chains. But he also reminded us that the change will not come about without hard work and determination.
-We need to unite our efforts and work together, to reach our common goal. That’s what we will do in MoZEES, Huseby stated.

Andreas Bratland from the Research Council of Norway shared that RCN has great expectations for MoZEES in being an endeavor to provide new knowledge to probably the single most important challenge in terms of cutting greenhouse gas emissions in Norway; the transport sector.
– Personally I hope that MoZEES, on a few selected areas, will be a game changer and have great impact in making transport more sustainable, both in Norway and internationally, Bratland said when closing his speech.