High Energy Density Cathode for Lithium-ion Batteries and Operando Studies
Halvor Høen Hval, Alok M. Tripathi, Helmer Fjellvåg
Nanostructures and Functional Materials (NAFUMA), Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo, Sem Sælands vei 26, 0371 Oslo, Norway
To attain a high energy density lithium-ion battery, it is needed to look over the cell components. A high energy density cell can both be obtained from increasing the battery potential at which lithium is electrochemically reacting and/or by increasing the capacity of the cathode. The cathode material synthesized is cobalt-free and based on economically feasible elements, making it attractive in current and future lithium-ion battery designs. Herein, a high energy density cathode material is presented, were both synthesis, as well as basic material and electrochemical characterizations has been performed. Preliminary operando XRD/XAS studies from synchrotron facilities has been performed and operando XRD has been followed-up at UiO facilities. Here, the lithium dynamics in the crystal is studied during electrochemical cycling. In the future, electrochemical performance will be optimized for realistic applications using the findings from the operando results.